朋友從 MSN 給我這個 Video。Nick Vijicic 是一個天生殘障的澳洲人。他曾經自暴自棄、懷疑上天,到現在他發覺,重要的並非上天所能給他、而是目前他的存在、他所擁有的。
There were times when I sort of look at my life, and thinking that I can't do this and I can't do that. And you keep on concentrating on the things you wish to have, or the things that you wish didn't have. And you sort of forgot what you DO have.
And it's no point I believe in my life where I wish i am this, I wish I am that, but wishes won't help. From what i've seen in life is just a few key principles and the first thing that i've seen is to be thankful.
It's hard to be thankful man, i tell you when I was 8 years old. I sort of sum up my life in full, I never gonna get marry, I'm not gonna have a job, I'm not gonna have a life of purpose. What kind of husband am I gonna be if I can't even hold my wife's hand.
It's a lie to think that you are not good enough!
It's a lie to think that you are not worth anything!
I love life, you know so many people comes and says "how come you smile so much". And I am like..well..."It's a long story."
But it's very simple to say in time, you see it's very hard to smile sometimes when life through things happen that you don't know and you don't understand. And you don't know if you gonna get through it. You know you go through your storms in life and you don't know how long the storms gonna be. And today I want to share with you some principles that I've learned in my life that you can use in yours.
Being patient is beautiful I tell you it's the hardest thing. But I realize I may not have hands to hold my wife's hand, but when the time comes, I will be able to hold her heart, I don't need hands to hold her heart.
You know it's scary to know how many girls have eating disorders. It's scary to know how many people are just angry at life because of their situation at home and angry at others. It's scary!
Tonight how many people actually feel like they worth nothing. Every single girl right here right now, I want you to know that you are beautiful, you are gorious just the way you are, and the boys, you are the man!
-- Nick Vijicic
"We all know how it feels to be lonely or broken. And the thing is this, if I could look at you, and I say, you know what, maybe the things that you've gone through, maybe worse than I have. And you are thinking "no no no I could never imagine myself without arms and legs" See, we can't and we should not compare sufferings."
"Circumstances do not have to change for you to become victorious, it is our heart to fill with the holy spirit"
Was it because of me? No
Was it because of my capabilities? No
Why was it!?
It is because of my Availability!
When you are doing things with God, do not focus on what you can do, focus on what God can do through you.
You don't fix yourself up to come to God, but you come to God to get fix-up.
Nick Vujicic at the WELL DONE AWARDS - Part 1
Nick Vujicic at the WELL DONE AWARDS - Part 2
2008年12月29日 星期一
Life without limbs, Nick Vijicic
2008年12月27日 星期六
2008年12月12日 星期五
1/58 RealDrive Nano NISMO GT-R 火柴盒迷你遙控車
到日本旅行,照習慣要逛一逛玩具店,看到這盒由 REALDRIVE 出品 Nano 系列的 1:58 NISMO GT-R 紅外線遙控車。
這系列主推的其實是 法拉利車系,不過我還是選擇了 這款 GT-R,看起來我覺得 GT-R 做得比較精緻。
在大阪梅田的 Yodobashi 購買,價格為:1780 Yen
不按 Turbo 按鈕的時候有點慢。不然的話,還okay啦!
Polar Bottle 水壺
網路上閒逛,在 PCHOME 的商店街上看到這個叫Polar Bottle的水壺,我是外貌協會,外觀絕對是購買的重要因素。
看完廠商的資料,除了保冷,Polar Bottle 還可以『保溫』約最高50度的水溫。溫度太高就不好了,大家還是要習慣任何塑膠都不能裝熱的食物/飲料,就算他告訴你可以耐高溫。
Polar Bottle 網站:http://www.polarsports.com.tw/
2008年11月21日 星期五
Jingle Bell 2008 財經版
不知道網路上誰寫出來的 Jingle Bell 2008 財經版,大家看完應該是笑中帶淚吧。
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.
It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town
It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!
Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.
2008年11月5日 星期三
Yes We Can Yes We Can...
Obama 當選美國總統,不論在眾議院、參議院民主黨均取得大多數議席,Obama 也是首位非洲裔美國總統,取得空前勝利,也告訴大家我們進入了不一樣的時代。
在 CNN 的 Top 10 Campaign Video,裡面有 Obama 在超級星期二前推出的競選歌曲 Video。這段 Music Video 的憾動人心,雖然不為美國人,也值得大家分享分享。
It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
Yes we can.
It was written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
Yes we can.
It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.
Yes we can.
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
Yes we can.
It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.
Yes we can to justice and equality.
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
Yes we can heal this nation.
Yes we can repair this world.
Yes we can.
We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics...they will only grow louder and more dissonant ........... We've been asked to pause for a reality check. We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.
But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope.
Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea --
Yes. We. Can.
2008年11月2日 星期日
HBO 電影 "RECOUNT" (選票風波)
"No matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out. " 這是前美國副總統 Al Gore 在承認敗選後說的話。
昨天晚上在 HBO 看電影 "Recount" (選票風波) ,描述布希與高爾在總統選舉時出現的佛羅里達州選票爭議事件。很有趣的電影,劇本及人物編排明顯經過很用功的設計。
在網路上查一查其他 Al Gore 的 Quotes,其中一句也很有趣:
『Our democracy, our constitutional framework is really a kind of software for harnessing the creativity and political imagination for all of our people. The American democratic system was an early political version of Napster. 』
2008年8月23日 星期六
Java Limited Mini 放大看
老婆的 Java 終於安裝好,今天第一次出去試騎,確認安全再移交給老婆。
Upgrade 配件:小壁虎牛角
原本的把手沒有質感,而且送到的時候又髒又破。所以就乾脆改成 Propalm 的手把牛角。Shimano 的便宜手變。不過還算不錯用。
Quando 快拆、碟煞。
Quando 花鼓。Microshift 中變、Prowheel Solid 大盤、另改了 MG-1 踏板。
Altius 後變。
輪胎上很『俗』的建大輪胎標籤。Selle San Marco 坐墊。
有騎大車的感覺。整體品質還不錯,表現紮實。沒有賣場車的感覺。碟煞調整比較要技巧,V 煞可能比較省事。
裝好後,發覺前叉的顏色跟車體不一樣。車體是米白色、前叉是白色。車體有一處小傷、有補色的痕跡,所以是產品 QC 的問題。(大概因為中國內銷產品細節比外銷不講究)
2008年8月19日 星期二
可能是台灣第一台 JAVA Limited Mini....
2008年7月31日 星期四
可能是台北市最好吃的平價義大利麵 - 石牌『義理煮』
2008年7月29日 星期二
North Face Lumber Pack 雙水壺腰袋
2008年7月28日 星期一
- 絲瓜切塊待用;
- 豬肉切片,用薑、鹽、酒、太白粉醃一下;
- 大蒜爆鍋,將絲瓜翻炒一下起鍋;
- 再下油炒豬肉,等豬肉變色後,加入絲瓜、少許水、鹽、高湯、稍煮入味,勾芡起鍋就完成。
最簡單的料理 - 雞翅
- 取雞翅 (為了受熱均勻,最好全部選用雞翅中段),解凍;
- 用酒+鹽+薑醃一下雞翅,約20-30分鐘;
- 蔥切(寸)段備用;
- 將油加熱到中熱將蔥段放如油鍋爆香;
- 加入雞翅翻炒止外表略顯焦黃(大火);
- 加入可樂止能基本覆蓋住雞翅,加生抽適量,改用中火慢慢燒;
- 注意要不時的翻一下雞翅以免粘鍋;
- 等到收汁到差不多了就可以起鍋了.
- 將淨雞翅用水煮熟.(開鍋後用文火慢燉,其中加蔥薑花椒大料 鹹鹽少許尖辣椒幾個海米幾粒.
- 將燉熟的雞翅撈出空乾.
- 將鹹鹽白糖料酒味精和少許醋混合備用。
- 油熱後將空幹的雞翅烹炸,至金黃色,將調料均勻澆汁,視情況可加少許水,用慢火燉5 分鐘左右(以入味為準).
- 太白粉加水勾芡,起鍋前加少許香菜段.
- 雞翅洗淨,在炒勺中放底油炒去水汽
- 準備一杯醬油,一杯蔥薑蒜,大料,一杯葡萄酒,倒入雞翅中。
- 燒至十分鐘,將湯汁收濃,使湯汁入進雞翅中。
- 香菇發好,雞翅(最好是雞翅中)摘乾淨。如果有筍切片放如更好。
- 將主料用鹽、料酒、味精、胡椒粉、(糖、香油少許)、澱粉拌勻,不時翻動,
- 兩個小時後碼盤中上屜蒸熟,最好在30分鐘,若用高壓鍋也可,直至蒸到軟而入味為止。
- 雞翅。把大小臂分斬開。 準備蔥、薑、蒜切大塊,大段。糖、料酒。腐乳汁。
- 炒菜鍋裡放油,稍熱後放雞翅翻炒至表皮發緊,不再有血水滲出,盛出來。
- 原鍋再放一點兒油,稍熱後放蔥薑蒜。出香味後放料酒、糖、腐乳汁。
- 汁液大開後放雞翅,添水到與雞翅平。大火燉,收湯,湯快乾時就好啦。
- 準備雞翅,番茄醬,蒜頭,大料,油。
- 放炒菜油,可以稍微多一點,不熱時就放蒜頭和大料。
- 油熱後,放雞翅翻炒,表皮變色就可以放醬油了,翻炒不超過半分鐘,放番茄醬,多放點味道比較好,翻炒不過半分鐘。
- 放水,沒過雞翅即可,大火收汁,湯沒了,就可以吃了。不用放鹽的啊,切記。
- 選厚實一些的翅來做,準備主料:雞翅、醪糟;
- 把雞翅用醪糟、醬油、鹽、料酒、蔥、薑、蒜醃大概3~4小時;
- 熱鍋涼油(油不用多,一點就成因為這時候的雞翅不吃油了)
- 煎熟就OK啦~
- 準備雞翅膀750克、蔥500克、冬筍250克
- 準備調味料:薑15克 鹽10克 料酒5克 雞精10克 醬油30克 冰糖10克 清湯200克 葡萄酒150克 花生油200克 水澱粉50克
- 雞翅膀洗淨,冬筍切塊,大蔥取蔥白部分切成5公分的段,其餘切成蔥花,薑拍鬆。
- 油燒熱,把雞翅用醬油拌勻,投入鍋中炸成淺黃色撈出,控淨油。
- 把炸好的雞翅放入大沙鍋內,加蔥花.薑.料酒.鹽.冰糖.清湯,燒開後移小火燜。
- 油燒熱,把冬筍投入炸透撈出,再把蔥段投入炸成金黃色撈出。
- 待雞翅燜爛時,挑出蔥花.薑,把冬筍.蔥段放入沙鍋內,再加入150克葡萄酒,加雞精繼續燜,待雞翅完全燜爛,勾芡即成。
- 材料:10個雞翅、蜂蜜、醬油、鹽、料酒(紅酒也可)、薑、紅幹辣椒、五香粉、黑胡椒。
- 如果是急凍雞翅,請先解凍。把10個新鮮雞翅放在一個可在微波爐內加熱的器皿內。
- 加入少量醬油,放2勺醬油足可。
- 加入料酒或紅酒,大約2勺子,主要用於去掉雞翅的腥味。
- 加入鹽、少許薑沫、少許辣椒子,少許五香粉(一般超市都有賣)、少許黑胡椒。
- 將雞翅和作料攪拌均勻,充分粘取作料。
- 蓋好蓋子將雞翅放在冰箱冷藏室醃制,電視上講最好是一個晚上(所以一定要提前準備,不能現吃現做。如果實在很急,也要醃2-3個小時)。
- 將醃制好的雞翅取出,塗抹上蜂蜜(這樣色澤味道才對!)可根據口味適當增加蜂蜜塗抹的多少。
- 將塗抹好蜂蜜的雞翅放進微波爐,中高火加熱(一般是3個火苗那檔)11分鐘即可。
- 準備調料:鹽、醬油、雞精、花椒粉、辣椒粉、胡椒粉、薑汁、蒜粉、芝麻、五香粉、孜然粉、麻油、蔥段、料酒!
- 將雞翅洗淨後裝入碗中,將所有調味料放入;
- 攪拌均勻醃上至少兩小時使至入味;
- 將醃好的雞翅排上烤網放入烤箱250度烤十分鐘收乾水份;
- 將烤架取出,將雞翅翻過來,然後刷上油,再入烤箱烤10分鐘,取出後再翻一下刷上油然後放入烤箱繼續烤十到二十分鐘即可;
- 如果喜歡吃烤得較乾的朋友可以延長烤的時間,喜歡軟點的朋友可以減少烤的時間,調料也可以隨意加減,不過這個調料是經過幾次實驗後總結的,味道還可以,另外覺得薑汁和蒜粉比薑片蒜片較容易入味.
2008年7月26日 星期六
自行車道上的甘露 - I'm Here 露天咖啡座
印象中應該開了不久,只是我在這條基本的路線沒有途中『大休息』的習慣,所以從來沒有認真研究過這小小的咖啡座。 雖然只是一個短貨櫃,鮮艷的顏色配合旁邊簡單的景觀設計,給人耳目一新的感覺。
簡直跟我的 WR-5630 天生一對。
破例叫了冰沙,出乎意料之外,是鮮果打的冰沙,不是用一般糖漿打的冰沙,也沒有很甜。讓我的內咎感減少 1/3。
地點有點難以形容,我用 Google Map 來顯示位置吧,我相信大家騎北投關渡都一定看到。
2008年7月20日 星期日
早起的 Merida WR-5630
2008年7月19日 星期六
2008年7月15日 星期二
2008年7月14日 星期一
Nickels And Dimes And Love
雖然不是 a big fan of Country Music,但偶爾有一兩首總是讓我動容。Country Music 有點像我們以前的民歌一樣,用周邊的小故事編輯成曲。
從一片精選 CD 裡面出現了 John Michael Montgomery 的一首 Nickes and Dimes and Love,透徹敘述了年輕時候沒錢但又過得很愉快的浪漫情懷。
Nickels And Dimes And Love
原唱:John Michael Montgomery
唱片:LIFE'S A DANCE (Atlantic 82420)
October 13/1992
Produced by Doug Johnson & Wyatt Easterling
Remember when pocket change was all we had
And all those calls from the corner phone booth collect to mom and dad
And that old worn out couch we called our bed
When our cuisine was pork and beans baloney and day old bread
Remember that damn old car that kept breaking down
And all the times it left me stranded thumbing all over town
And that old weekly paycheck just never stretched enough
Back in the times of nickels and dimes and love
Together we sure made some dreams come true
Sometimes it wasn't easy but somehow we made it through
And when I get to thinking times are tough
I remember the times of nickels and dimes and love
Oh those good old times of nickels and dimes and love
Remember digging through your old purses in hopes we'd get
Enough change for an RC Cola or a pack of cigarettes
Now we've got almost everything that we were dreaming of
Back in the times of nickels and dimes and love
Together we sure made some dreams come true...
Do you remember those times of nickels and dimes and love
2008年7月13日 星期日
2008年6月10日 星期二
[開箱文] Supertech 超音波震動警報鎖
搜尋啊搜尋、找到了這個 2950 塊的 Supertech 超音波震動警報鎖。